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NYU ITP Course: In & Out of Reality


Unity3D, ARKit, C#, APIs

Globe Data AR is the beginning of a data visualization AR model that allows users to identify and learn about data based on latitude and longitude.  When a user touches a part of the globe they see data specific to that location. 




This project arose out of a COVID-19 themed hackathon that took place late March 2020. It was meant to visualize the current confirmed cases of the virus based on country. Augmented Reality allows users to make use of 3D space and their surroundings, and I wanted to create an app that did that.

open app

Anchor 1

place the globe

move physically around globe

rotate globe using touch input

move camera on phone to aim reticle

hit "Select Location"

convert selected position to latitude and longitude

use google maps API to find country from lat, long

use country to find data from Covid-19 API or any other country specific API



display data


Retiicle shader.png

shader for reticle and line from globe

Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 11.27.49

version 01 shader of globe

Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 6.46.59 PM.png

version 02 shader of globe




testing 1st shader and placing location


testing 1st shader and placing location in AR


testing 2nd shader and

UI text in AR


testing case number circle growth

© Dylan Dawkins 2020

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